I am sure most if not all of us have done the following "experiment".
Bring a bucket that has a little hole in its bottom. Put it in a dry bathtub under the faucet. Open the faucet to fill the bucket. The little hole at the bottom of the bucket will allow some unintended escape of water from the bucket. There will be a latent time during which the bucket becomes full with to its brim with water. That latent period in which no water will flow out from the top of the bucket after it becomes totally full will depend on two things. First is the speed of flow of water from the faucet into the bucket and second is the size of the hole in the bottom of the bucket. The more intense the flow into the bucket the faster you will get it full and ready to pour. The wider the unintended hole the slower you will get it full inspite of the fast input from above. What will flow out of the bucket is excalty what was flowing into it from the faucet. If the input was water then the output is water and if the input is liquid black tar then the output is liquid black tar and if the input is a mix then the output is a mix of both. On the other hand if the input was very slow such that it was steadly drained out through the unintended hole in the bottom of the bucket you will never fill the bucket and hence will never have an output that flows from the top of the bucket and into the bathtub.
Now that is all very basic and any child knows that!
ALLAAH (SWT) teaches us through His words in the Qur'aan to give very simple examples and similitudes when He (SWT) explains to us the most complex aspects of human nature through diverse and beautiful parabels in the Noble Qur'aan. Consequently one learns how to present one's ideas or thoughts to others such there would be greater understanding between all different peoples and each other.
The above given example of the bucket is a very simplified yet accurate example or similitude to people's diverse roles in life accroding to what they choose for themselves.
The bucket here is an example of one's mind and heart.
What is coming out of the faucet is what you are feeding your mind and heart with.
The little unintended hole at the bottom is forgetfulness and sins.
The bathtub in which the bucket is placed in is the surrounding community.
Accordingly if you continuously feed your heart and mind with useful knowledge and rememberance of ALLAAH, after a period of time you will reach a stage where they are fully saturated with such knowledge and rememberance. If you continue feeding them you will eventually reach a stage will you will start overflowing and hence benefiting your surrounding community with the knowledge you acquired with time. The faster and more persistently you feed or fill your mind and heart the more you will pour into the surrounding community and maybe flood the whole area.
However we have to put in mind 2 important factors. The first is the forgetfulness and sins. The less you have of these the more you will be able to contain the input and hence be able to give to others and viceversa.
The second thing is that there is a latency period during which you are filling and saturating your mind and heart during which there is no production or overflow that would benefit the surrounding. This period is very crucial and dangerous. Many people give up during the latency period and end up neither being fully saturated themselves nor benefiting the surrounding. That period might range from 5-25 years depending on how fast is the knowledge flowing in and the size of the hole (amount of sins and forgetfulness one does) through which one loses his input.
On the other hand if you feed the mind and heart with selfishness and greed or any sinful input you will end up being saturated with them and eventually negatively influencing your surrounding community with them.
Finally if the input is very modest and is nearly equal to the loss though the little hole in the bottom you will end up neither being saturated with anything nor affecting your surrounding community.
To the first category belong the creative sceintists and sincere scholars who are few.
To the second category belong the evil arrogant people in the world.
To the third category belong the majority of people on earth who are born and die without having a role to play that affects their community.
May we all be from the first category and may we all raise our children to be amongst them.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
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"Do they not then meditate on the Qur'an? And if it were from any other than God, they would have found in it many a discrepancy" (Qur'an, 4:82)
2009 THEME: Islam in the West and Our Children (Discussion & Resources regularly updated)
There is increasing concern that second and third generation Muslims in the West are mostly no longer Muslims so they actually end up adding to the Christian or Atheist population of the West, albeit racially from a non-Western origin. Accordingly, the ratios mentioned in the video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-3X5hIFXYU) would be correct in regards to race or ethnicity but not necessarily to religion.
You can see more about that by Jeffrey Lang; an ex-atheist American Mathematics University Professor who reverted to Islam in 1982. He has also written 3 books that I highly recommend; "Struggling to Surrender", "Even Angels Ask" and "Losing my Religion; A Call for Help".
Now I will leave you to enjoy 2 short excerpts from one of his lectures followed by links to his most important full presentation regarding our children.
Here is a solution that is yet to be implemented.
Raising children here is not an easy task ofcourse but if we do it the right way they will be true Muslims in shaa Allaah who are "Informed Muslims" rather than "Muslims by inheritance" like their counterparts in the East. Hopefully they will then be a much better generation than ours.
Quickly, I do believe that the best 4 authors (for example, there are many others but these are my favorite) who could guide us through this difficult process are Yahiya Emerick, Jeffrey Lang, Jamal Badawi and Dalia Mogahed.
Here are some links for future reference and for an ongoing learning process that I have started collecting slowly.
Please spread the below information to all your Muslim contacts in the West.
Jeffrey Lang:
http://meccacentric.com/jeffrey_lang.html I highly recommend the lecture titled "The Purpose of Life". It has true meanings that I have not come across in any Arabic literature.
Yahiya Emerick:
http://www.islamfortoday.com/yahiyaemerick.htm I highly recommend reading and spreading the last article in this link by the name of "The Confusion of the Scholars"
http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_adv_b/?search-alias=stripbooks&unfiltered=1&field-keywords=&field-author=Yahiya+Emerick&field-title=&field-isbn=&field-publisher=&node=&url=&field-feature_browse-bin=&field-binding_browse-bin=&field-subject=&field-language=&field-dateop=&field-datemod=&field-dateyear=&sort=relevancerank&Adv-Srch-Books-Submit.x=29&Adv-Srch-Books-Submit.y=8 There are only 14 books, about half for adults and the other half for kids. The extra are just repetitions.
Jamal Badawi:
Many products including books, articles and lectures mostly for adults. You can find them by searching his name online. My favorite is;
Dalia Mogahed: (Obama's adviser)
Has one book so far but has a great potential. "Who Speaks for Islam".
You can watch her debate with Irshad Manji (an openly Lesbian Canadian Muslim who is distorting the picture of Islam in the name of "Progressive Islam")http://fora.tv/2008/07/01/Irshad_Manji_and_Dalia_Mogahed_-_Who_Speaks_for_Islam
Finally here is a website for a store that sells lots of Islamic products including Islamic cartoon DVDs in English and Arabic for kids.
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