
Our loved ones ... are always an unfinished story; a light breeze, a quick shading place that swiftly goes by without us noticing when it came or how it left. No matter how caring they are, or how durable the bond is, forever is just a foolish word to say and a crazy thing to believe in. Going in different ways, breakup, passing away, bitterness and hatred, a not meant to be situation, inexplicable change of heart or coldness, are the human ways of finishing a story, every human relation must eventually come to one of these ends. However, look who has always been there since the first glance on this world till the last of them all, looking straight at you all the time and everywhere. None of these ends are possible to take place between you and Him. He will neither lead another way (you can do so but actually you have no other way to go), nor leaves you (you ignorantly leave, but he does not, you die but He (SWT) does not), nor hates you (you can be crazy enough sometimes to feel bitter, but He (TWT) is beyond all that). Allah is the right One for everyone at all times and places, He who never changes or grows cold, Subhanu.
Sometimes we just grow tired of the heavy burden of emotions that we carry towards other people. Being abandoned, being unappreciated, not having the ability to give as much as we would love to, caring too much sometimes, losing loved ones, depending on feeble counterparts, needing others who are not there; these are all human experiences that each of us can point to at least one and say yes this is me. However, Only He (SWT) is there when we need Him, or even when we are too ignorant to admit our need. Only He (SWT) knows, like really knows, what lies in our hearts, and yet never minds us expressing it fully to Him. Only He (SWT) never abandons, never gets bored from hearing our same old stories, always appreciates, pushes forwards, and even gets closer. Only He (SWT) whose love for us is infinite, and our love for Him is never enough and our giving abilities are pathetically nonsense. Only He (SWT) is the right One to depend on, He is always there by our side even when we cannot see it: The Forever-Understanding, the Forever-Loving, the Forever-Forgiving. And yet, we simply go on with our absurd fallacies, and keep on falling for the same eternal paradoxes.
Diverse are our needs, and so distant our aspirations and calls, but one and only one way we all share together; it is the way where all our needs, aspirations, and calls go to; to Him (AWJ), our LOVED ONE. He who has seen it all... when we are good and when we go wrong. He has seen it all, we forget He is here, we forget where we went wrong. Our earthly relations can be destroyed simply over one wrong doings, but with Him it is a never-ending story. Let us, at least every once in a while, remember where should our hearts really be heading. Let us reach out to Him, together this time.
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