Eid Adha is such a special occasion. Not only does it remind us of the unprecedented obedience (absolute "Islaam" of both Prophets Ibraheem and Isma"ell (AS) to Allaah's order) and the numerous crucial lessons learnt from the different rituals of hajj but even further than that. Coming immediately after the day of "Arafah makes it a very special occasion to every Muslim. The day of "Arafah is the day of total forgiveness of the past for the hojjaj and thus the first day of Eid Adha is the true first day of their new life. On the other hand for those who were not able to make it to hajj but managed to fast on that day it is the first day in a new year with sins forgiven for the previous year and a coming one. Thus it is a very unique day of true rebirth that deserves to be given special attention and thought. One's rebirth is not an occasion to be taken lightly or to be dealt with like any other occasion. It is a new start that could be one's only chance in a life time for a true new life.
So to all hojjaj and all who fasted on the day of "Arafa I say, "Happy New Birthday". 
May Allaah unite us all in al-Firdaws al-A"laa with Prophets Muhammad, Ibraheem (SAWS) and Isma"eel (AS).
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